Welcome to Cosmo Canyon! |
Hey there, I'm Ellie, the webmistress of Cosmo Canyon. This website and its design are exactly how I had them when I ran this website in the early 2000s. I was able to secure the files for this website and wanted to give them a real home online once more. I made this website when I was in middle school as a means of learning webdesign and expressing my love of Final Fantasy. This website became the marriage of those two things! A lot has changed since those days, all those years ago. I have since come out transgender, so I no longer go by my dead name that was used when this site existed originally. More over, several new Final Fantasy games have come out as well.
I am very nostalgic for the era of the internet that existed in the early 2000s and bringing this website back is my love letter to that. I will be keeping this web design original to the designs I made as a child. But over time I may update and enhance it. Thanks for stopping by!
- Ellie
Updates: |
Display Date Using Javascript |
If you've ever wondered how to display the date on your website using Javascript, then this update is for you. I've added a page with the code required to accomplish just that. Check out the navigation bar; at the bottom is a new section where I'll be adding useful scripts to use on your website.
Posted by: Ellie on March 19, 2024
FFVII Magazine Covers and Ads |
Hello! I've added a page with a small gallery of Final Fantasy VII themed covers on magazines, as well as some promotional magazine ads for the game. This page isn't definitive by any stretch, but I will add more content to the page as it becomes available to me.
Posted by: Ellie on March 14, 2024
For the First Time Since 2006.. Hello! |
Gentle Readers: Wow. It's 2024 and I am revitalizing a well archived version of my old Final Fantasy fan website! If you'd told me I'd ever be doing this back then, I'd never have believed you. But I found a nice archive of my site and a free host that embodies the spirit of the early web. Feels like as good a reason as any to bring this site back, yeah? I'm wildly nostalgic for fan websites and this era of webdesign. So it feels right.
At the moment, you won't find much here. The links are all dead, there isn't any content to speak of. But I'll work on it. At the moment I'm just finishing up the restoration of this very old design and code. But as I recover old content (and write new stuff), it'll be posted here.
Posted by: Ellie on March 14, 2024
Post Title |
Text text text
Posted by: Ellie on Month 01, 2024